Manifest a Stress Less lifestyle in 5 steps

The stress-less life may seem like a beach holiday that is too far away. But what if you could bring the beach holiday into your day to day existence?

What would you need to make your life that little bit easier?

Who has tried schedules, weekly menu’s, alarms on your phone and my favourite, writing reminders on your hand? Are you always running late, over-promising and wanting to fit as much as possible into one day?

Manifesting is where you put your desires out to the universe and then watch them land mysteriously into your world. This is not a new concept with many books and films about it. It is also known as “Law of Attraction”, the idea that we are creating our existence, and by focusing our thoughts in certain areas, we can change our way of living.

So how do we connect manifesting with your stress-less life? Let’s break this down into bite size chunks.

1. What if you are exactly where you are meant to be at all times? That means there is no such thing as being late or in the wrong place and if you are late, there is a reason. I remember standing in front of the Dental nurse being lectured for arriving 6 minutes late. If there was anyone who was terrified of being late, it was me.

I changed my thinking ever so slightly, basically asking the universe for assistance. Now, if I am late, there is no downside. In fact generally, there is a benefit. When my daughter was running late for her ballet class, I was getting agitated, and she was upset. When we arrived 15 minutes late for her class, we found the students seated, while the teacher explained all the necessary steps for the upcoming exam. An exam my daughter was not attending. Indeed it appears, the reason now for my lateness brings a little smile to my face.

When I was looking at our bathroom that needed to be renovated, the landlord offered to cover the cost to replace the bath & shower. All that was left was the old toilet and floor tiles. My husband and I realised we had enough to cover the cost of the floor tiles. The builder was tiling the floor, when somehow, the toilet was broken in the process. He offered to cover the cost of replacing the toilet.  Somehow we ended up with a brand new bathroom for a quarter of the price.

So, relax, grab a piece of paper and write down all the jobs you would like a hand with. Release any ideas on how these will be achieved & trust that somehow you will get the assistance that you need.

3. Another tool is daily intentions. Before you get up in the morning, think about what you would like to get done. This could be time to relax by yourself, or with your family or friends. To feel productive, or less stressed. You do not have to write these intentions down or put together a checklist. Just a mental note before you get up is all you need to do.

4. There are no rules on what you can manifest. You are able to manifest whatever you desire and believe is possible. A carpark close to where you wish to be…. Always. (PS If your carpark doesn’t turn up, there is a reason. Maybe you asked for more exercise, or forgot something you needed to pick up).

5. Take time for yourself. Ask the universe for more time doing things you love. These can be simple things like cooking, walking, painting, or a luxurious bath. It is so important to take care of yourself. Believe this is important and add it to the Universe to-do list. You will thank me later.

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