How do I do Soul healing – Asking for a friend…

I have never been the best  at receiving help or being able to help/faciliate without having my ‘expert’ hat on. 

I feel like sometimes we think we are the best person to look at or heal out issues and don’t want to have people help us/tell us what to do/love us but not hear us/see our insecurities – (Man, I feel as I read this I can see my insecurities coming up!  Red flag!!) 

I wanted to trust what I do – my journey has been long and arduous however I have been curious at the Family Constellations that I have been doing for years and changing them up.  

This journey led me to facilitating a group of constellation workshops in a day but also having my own constellation in the workshop. 

It is  not usual to be leading a group and opening up to have all our own wounds to be seen and helped.  My first thought was I would keep this as it’s own session and set up a separate workshop for other constellations so we could help others.  

It was only on our last workshop, that I had the most interesting information come up.  We were asking the guides of one of the attendees what information she needed to move forward.  

I felt like the world had changed all it’s colours. It had all the same shapes but felt different and I was wanting to work out who I was in this new space. My ‘I know what I am doing hat’ had been on forever and it felt safe to be here.

We found our deep healing happened when we all came with our ‘shit.’ And for the first time I had taken off my facilitator hat and the process became real group work and deep healing.

I am offering these group sessions

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