Business Family Constellation Session


These sessions are a way to highlight where we have taken on the beliefs, pain and way of living through our family ancestral line.  It could be a belief about poverty or having too much, a way of living through humility or playing down your gifts or even feeling like you can’t do enough.

We realise we are the making of our family’s belief structure and this is a way to disconnect from that which you no longer need or realising you are limiting yourself to keep those around you ‘happy’.  Sometimes being in fear is ‘safe’ or joy is not available with your friends and family.


These sessions are a way to highlight where our businesses are being impacted by our beliefs, stories even our programming both social and generational.    It could be a belief about poverty or having too much, a way of living through humility or playing down your gifts or even feeling like you can’t do enough.

Each session, you set what area of your business you would like to look at as well as how you want to feel at the end of the session.  It may be wanting to see what opportunities there are, how your customers perceive your business,  what hidden dynamics are playing out in your space.  We then go through and invite into the space who can help you move the pain/fears – ‘stuff’ that is holding you in this space.  These sessions are life changing.  They help you see where you have been not being yourself and allow you to move towards your soul aligned business.

Allow 2 – 3 Hours per session.  Available via a workshop either online or in person.

Let me know your preferred times/days and will work with you to organise a suitable time.




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